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Colorglow C-Line Vanguard (Kyle Klein Creator Series)


På lager: 7
Vennligst velg

Vanguard showcases a new level of reliability in our fairway driver lineup. The blunt nose will feel resemblant to an FD1 or FD3 but has slightly smoother margins on the edges and rim on the molding, allowing it to sit more comfortably in the hand. A Vanguard meant to be thrown with force and relied upon when you need it most. A more powerful throw is able to carry forward on a rope and finish with moderate fade and steeper angles of throws can execute a hyzer line or anhyzer that returns reliably with ease.

Key points: 

  • Slight amount of dome, just a touch more than the Special Blend Vanguard had
  • Very grippy Color Glow plastic, medium stiffness.
  • Straighter flying just by a notch or two.

Color Glow plastic in general is often just a bit softer than S-Line, C-Line, or Lux equivalents and is generally known for flying a touch straighter as well.

Pro tip: Creator series discs are signified by informational text embossed on the bottom of the disc so you always know what you are holding, no matter what happens to the fancy stamp on top.

By purchasing this Creator Series release, you directly support Kyle Klein on tour!


Discmania eies og drives av Discmania i Finland. De produserer tre forskjellige plastikktyper, Originals, Evolution og Active. Discmania Originals produseres av Discmania i deres fabrikk i Sverige. Discmania Evolution er produsert av Latitude64 i Sverige. Discmania Active er produsert av Yikun Discs i Kina. Platene er designet av Discmania-grunnleggeren Jussi Meresmaa. Discmania utstyrer alle typer spillere med diskene de trenger for discgolf. Mange av verdens beste spillere bruker blant annet Discmania golfdisker, Simon Lizotte og Eagle McMahon for å nevne et par. I tillegg til discer, finner du klær av høyeste kvalitet.
