The Discmania PD2 is the most stable distance driver in our Originals line. For many players it will be an utility driver that only comes out in specific situations, like in strong headwinds or to cut tight corners. For players with more arm speed, it will hold a straight line for a longer time, before the inevitable fade.
Gavin Babcock introduces his first Signature Series disc in the Discmania family with Gravity Bomb PD2! This beefy high speed driver is one that players can really rely on to get the job done, even in the harshest conditions they face.
“The PD2, for me, represents that hard work for any player that can master it. This is a beefy high speed driver built for high distance throwers. Anyone can bag a PD2 for wind fighting or extreme hyzers.. but to truly be a ‘PD2 thrower’,you have to have the power to master it.You gotta Bomb!” -Gavin Babcock
Players of all calibers do enjoy this disc, though. You’ll find it especially handy for windy situations, forehand, overhand, and extremely reliable backhand hyzer shots. We don’t recommend this disc if you’re buying your first product to learn to play but other than that, we recommend all players carry something like this in their bags.

Discmania eies og drives av Discmania i Finland. De produserer tre forskjellige plastikktyper, Originals, Evolution og Active. Discmania Originals produseres av Discmania i deres fabrikk i Sverige. Discmania Evolution er produsert av Latitude64 i Sverige. Discmania Active er produsert av Yikun Discs i Kina. Platene er designet av Discmania-grunnleggeren Jussi Meresmaa. Discmania utstyrer alle typer spillere med diskene de trenger for discgolf. Mange av verdens beste spillere bruker blant annet Discmania golfdisker, Simon Lizotte og Eagle McMahon for å nevne et par. I tillegg til discer, finner du klær av høyeste kvalitet.