Designed with the newer player in mind, the Underworld will allow any player to accomplish an anhyzer shot. It is under stable and low profile. Great for players to buy as their first disc, the Underworld will be just what a beginner needs. For professional players it makes a great continuous anhyzer line and is great for rolling right out of the box.
Make a plastic that feels great and is easy to throw. Origio is that solution. In the same way that Prime for Dynamic Discs and Retro for Latitude 64 brought this incredible plastic to their line of discs, Origio now makes your favorite Westside discs feel that much better.

Westside Discs
Westside Discs kommer fra Finland, og er i dag eid av Latitude 64 og Dynamic Discs. De har et bredt utvalg av premium discer, spesielt gode er de på raske high speed drivere. Nevner blant annet The King, World, Destiny og Katapult - alle med speed 14.