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Proton Soft Paradox - OTB Open 2024


På lager: 4
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Among the most understable midranges ever produced, the Paradox is capable of some truly unique lines. High-power players will be using the Paradox for utility shots like rollers, low speed flip ups, massive nose up anhyzers, and other touch shots. Low-power players will find the Paradox is a great first midrange for straight or hyzer-flip flights. Whether you’re using it as a teaching tool, or a utility disc for woods golf, the Paradox’s understability won’t let you down. If you need it to turn, the Paradox is the disc for you!

Pirate Nate killed it with the artwork on this years run adding to the awesome collective of artwork in Phase 1 of the 2024 OTB Open drop. Make sure you pick up an OTB Open Proton Soft Paradox today!


Axiom Discs ble lansert i 2014 som en del av MVP Disc Sport. De har sine egne unike discer, basert på MVP’s signature GYRO™ Overmold Technology. Axiom og MVP har to av de samme plastikktypene, Proton og Neutron, men fargene er forskjellig. Med Axiom får man flere kombinasjoner av farger, noe som gjør dem spesielt fine og ikke minst lettere å finne i alt slags vær.
