Our Team Discmania superstar “Nikke” overcame the challenging Mukkula DiscGolfPark in Lahti, Finland, against the most competitive field of players in Finnish Championship history to secure his third title. To celebrate this impressive feat, we’re preparing a very special batch of Swirl S-line FD’s as a Triumph Series release for Niklas. Each disc sold supports Nikke on tour!
The Swirly S-line FD is offered exclusively only to our dealers.
One could easily argue that these juicy swirl S-line FD’s offer the best balanced FD flight pattern out of all FD’s produced to date under our own Swedish production. Compared to stock C-line FD’s, these fly straighter and less overstable overall. Compared to stock S-line FD’s, these are a bit more resistant to high speed turn, while still providing a very mild fade. In essence, these fit snugly in between of the stock versions of the FD, offering the best of both worlds in a very attractive package.
As you grab one of these, you’ll easily notice that the plastic is very high quality and the finishing on all edges is comfortable and consistent. We wouldn’t call these either domey or flat, but something in between, offering enough height to produce a great glide in flight, but not too much to feel awkward in hand.
Farge vil variere grunnet swirls

Discmania eies og drives av Discmania i Finland. De produserer tre forskjellige plastikktyper, Originals, Evolution og Active. Discmania Originals produseres av Discmania i deres fabrikk i Sverige. Discmania Evolution er produsert av Latitude64 i Sverige. Discmania Active er produsert av Yikun Discs i Kina. Platene er designet av Discmania-grunnleggeren Jussi Meresmaa. Discmania utstyrer alle typer spillere med diskene de trenger for discgolf. Mange av verdens beste spillere bruker blant annet Discmania golfdisker, Simon Lizotte og Eagle McMahon for å nevne et par. I tillegg til discer, finner du klær av høyeste kvalitet.