Westside Northman is one of our original drivers. It has a bigger feel in the hand, which in return gives it that extra float in the air that you are looking to achieve. The Northman is fast and dependable. For faster arms it will fly straight with a small fade and then finish stable. For the lower arm speeds it will fly stable, but practically hover in the air. A good addition to anyone’s bag.
About Tournament Plastic:
An advanced version of VIP-plastic that contains technical polymers. You cannot see through Tournament plastic. The durability of Tournament plastic is at the same level than VIP Plastic, but the Tournament's grip is slightly better. Our Tournament plastic is closely similar to Latitude Gold plastic.

Westside Discs
Westside Discs kommer fra Finland, og er i dag eid av Latitude 64 og Dynamic Discs. De har et bredt utvalg av premium discer, spesielt gode er de på raske high speed drivere. Nevner blant annet The King, World, Destiny og Katapult - alle med speed 14.