Only available for a limited run in 2023, Linus was anxious to get an Opto-Ice Orbit Compass to the masses. As a stable midrange, this disc is usable by every skill set. Coupled with Linus's signature "bread" design, these will be one sleek flying disc that every player will want in their bag.
Navigate the fairways with the Compass. This straight flyer will go wherever you need it to go, and holds any line in a predictable way. Not shallow, not deep, this disc will fit in any hand. Hyzer, straight, anhyzer; the Compass is a disc you can trust on every angle.

Westside Discs
Westside Discs kommer fra Finland, og er i dag eid av Latitude 64 og Dynamic Discs. De har et bredt utvalg av premium discer, spesielt gode er de på raske high speed drivere. Nevner blant annet The King, World, Destiny og Katapult - alle med speed 14.