In the same way that the longbow changed warfare, this disc will elevate your game to new heights. With great speed and glide, this small rimmed disc will feel great and release easily for all types of throwers. Get ready to go farther with less effort than you have come to expect in the fairway driver game. The Longbowman is here to help you fly past your current abilities.
VIP Ice is a premium blend of plastics that provides a stiffness between VIP and VIP-X. It has great durability, and more overstable flights compared to regular VIP.

Westside Discs
Westside Discs kommer fra Finland, og er i dag eid av Latitude 64 og Dynamic Discs. De har et bredt utvalg av premium discer, spesielt gode er de på raske high speed drivere. Nevner blant annet The King, World, Destiny og Katapult - alle med speed 14.